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You are here: How to do Walt Disney World®> Packages

Walt Disney World® Resort "Packages"

What about "package vacations"?
There are a number of Canadian suppliers who can offer ready-built Disney package holidays. By this I mean one price gets you charter airfare, accommodation, passes and a car rental or transfers.

Are there disadvantages?
Packages tend to be limited in that they will often only go once or twice a week and you may be strictly limited to a 7 day holiday. Some suppliers have a greatly reduced choice of hotels to offer at Walt Disney World® Resort or in the Orlando area. Package costs are often 100% non-refundable, which can make for higher travel insurance premiums. If Disney specials come along, you usually cannot change a booking to take advantage of the new, lower, rates.

Not really. 10 years ago, packages used to be slightly cheaper, and a bit more convenient. Lately, however, mainly due to the good exchange rate between the US and Canadian dollars, the packages usually even come out more expensive than booking elements of the trip separately. The only real advantage is ease of booking for the travel agent. Our agents rarely book Disney as part of a package these days as we aim to give the best value as well as the best service to our clients. 

What's best?
We recommend that you take into account everything that you've read so far. What hotel do you want, what kind of pass, what dates etc. Then ask yourself, "Can I get what I want with this package?"

If a package has everything that you want, exactly when you want it - great! 

If you want "odd" dates, or a particular hotel that isn't offered by the package, then it will be better for us to arrange the different parts of your vacation separately.

For your information
We "make a package" for more than 90% of our family travellers. We find that most families don't properly "fit" into a ready-made package all that well, and don't save any money even if they do fit... Our aim is always to get you the best vacation, at the best price. 

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