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You are here: Favourite Family Destinations> United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Article written by Alex Robinson (still a British Citizen, though a legal landed immigrant to Canada)

A British bobbyBritain is a great place for families to visit. I can think of no other place where such a wealth of historical attractions, areas of natural beauty, and cultural diversity is packed into such a small space. And it doesn't actually rain all the time... just most of the time!

Castles, Shakespeare's birthplace, Stonehenge, the Roman Baths, the Tower of London, Hadrian's Wall, Robin Hood, King Arthur - these are just a few of the historical reasons that people come to visit Britain. If you do a bit of extra reading, you can find any number of other people and places that may interest you.

A fan of Lord Nelson? Visit his flagship, the Victory, in Portsmouth. Interested in Samuel Pepys and his dairy or Cardinal Wolsey's Hampton Court? Both in London. Admire Winston Churchill? Visit his home, Chartwell. Fancy following in highwayman Dick Turpin's footsteps? Visit York. The possibilities are almost endless.

The United Kingdom is a green and pleasant land - a small island of tremendous beauty. Travelling for two or three hours in any direction will take you through staggering changes in scenery. Chalk downs, granite moorlands, rolling dales, secluded lakes rugged hills, wide meandering rivers, windswept cliffs and much more. With designated areas of outstanding natural beauty in every part of the country, you will have a visual treat. Make sure that you bring your camera.

Superb performing arts - West End Theatre, the Edinburgh Fringe, Shakespeare's Globe theatre, excellent regional concert halls and theatres. Museums - art, natural history, science - you name it. 

The big cities - especially London - bustle with activity. But many people are interested in the quieter side of British culture too. Almost uninhabited Scottish islands, quaint countryside villages, even the unique university-dominated life in Oxford or Cambridge. Traditions go back a long way and are a fascinating part of British life that a tourist will not want to miss.

Coming soon...
I have a number of articles in preparation for this part of our site. Some highlights to look out for:

  • Cornwall and Devon - the English Riviera

  • Robin Hood Country - follow the legend

  • The Lake District - a walker's paradise

  • London with kids - have fun in the capital

  • Sussex/Hampshire - undiscovered and great


For now, why not visit the Official website of the British Tourist Board. It should give you some fascinating glimpses into Britain. It's a great site.

Click here for details about a number of
family-friendly cycling tours that we offer
in England and Ireland"







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