Center Parcs - family destinations in Europe
Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists
Center Parcs family resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists Center Parcs family resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists   Center Parcs family resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists


European family-friendly resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialistsAbout Center Parcs - family destinations in EuropeCenter Parcs family-friendly resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialistsFamily resort destinations in FranceCenter Parcs family-friendly resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialistsCenter Parcs family-friendly resort destinations in Holland, Netherlands, EuropeCenter Parcs family-friendly resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialistsCenter Parcs family-friendly resort destinations in Belgium, EuropeCenter Parcs family-friendly resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialistsCenter Parcs Frequently Asked Questions



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Travel Agents

Please note:

Unlike other agencies/tour operators that offered Center Parcs resorts in North America for a brief time in 2002, "Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency" is not a wholesaler.

We are a small, independent travel agency, with a niche market. Center Parcs is a specialty product that fits our niche.

At this time we have no plans to wholesale this or any other product. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.

If you feel that your client would still like to make a Center Parcs booking, please get in contact with us. While we will not be able to pay commissions to you, we will not "poach" your client, and you will still be able to book all of the other parts of their trip - air, car rental, other hotels, travel insurance etc. - while we co-ordinate the Center Parcs booking only. In this case we can send the Center Parcs information, booklets, vouchers etc. through you.




| France | Netherlands | Belgium | Germany



Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency

70 Billings Avenue,  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1H 5K7
Tel: 613 594-5633. Fax: 613 594-3316. General email:

Former address: Place Bell Canada, 160 Elgin St, 
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K2P 2P7


İ2002-2008 Let's Take the Kids Travel
ImagesİCenter Parcs

Center Parcs family resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists Center Parcs family resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists Center Parcs family resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists   Center Parcs family resorts - represented in Canada for Canadians by Let's Take the Kids Travel Agency - family travel specialists