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Air Travel Advice

Please follow this link for information on the new restrictions for carry-on items for flights to/from Canada. 
Please allow more time for security checks - get to the airport in plenty of time...

Seating On Airplanes

Bulkhead seats
People travelling with small children like to request bulkhead seating (this means that there isn't a row of seats in front of you). If you are travelling with a very small baby (6 months or less) you can often request a bassinette (sky-cot), which is only available at these bulkhead seats. 

Children, the physically handicapped and some elderly people cannot be seated in exit rows. This is due to the fact that they may not be able to remove the exit doors in case of emergency. Airlines reserve these seats to assign only at check in time.

Don't assume that you will be seated together just because you are a family.
You must be sure to request your seats at the time that you purchase your tickets. 

If this is a last minute purchase, you may not get what you want and, indeed, your family may be scattered all over the airplane.

Booking in advance
Fistful of dollars...Recently airlines have made it possible for you to request seats in advance but they charge for this service. Presently the charges are approx $15.00 per seat per direction per passenger. For a family of five this means an additional $150.00 for a return flight to a sun destination. This is an airline charge, not an agency charge and must be paid for by credit card.

Some charter companies offer Club Class seats... similar to Business class... on flights to certain destinations. This upgraded seating goes for about $175-$300 per seat per direction (depending on the airline) and can be well worth the price on long flights and for people who have problems dealing with cramped seating.

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